Hot Air Dryer > Dry Oven

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밑줄 Dry Oven
Drying Furnace
> Products > Dry Oven


Product Name Hot Air Dryer
Product Information


Cleaning principle This is a natural convection dryer that minimizes the phenomenon of samples blowing away due to the wind, and is useful for drying very small powders.
•Natural convection dryer
Effective cleaning method •Uniform Temperature Distribution: Utilizes forced circulation by a fan to evenly distribute the internal temperature, ensuring consistent drying of samples and accuracy in experiments.
Characteristic •This is a natural convection dryer.
•The main operating temperature is 40℃~200℃.
•Digital Microprocess P.I.D Controller
•Suitable for drying fine particles.

Company : Hanasonic Co.,Ltd     CEO : Jeon Gyeong-seo     Business Number : 160-81-01649     Head office : 17, Beondaun-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do
Tel : +82-31-226-4528     Phone : +82-10-9911-8462     Fax : +82-31-297-6028     E-mail :
Bucheon Factory : 45 Pyeongcheon-ro 812beon-gil, Wonmi-gu, Bucheon-si
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